Wednesday 4 December 2019

Why Metallic Colours Look Different On Car’s Plastic And Metallic Parts

Car paint repair in Sydney NSW has a lot of challenges. That is why it should only be done by a professional car paint repair specialist. You may be tempted to buy the car paint kit and do the repairs at home. While this may sound interesting and cheap, you might not understand the work and end up messing up your car. In the long run, you will spend more money trying to fix a problem that you created.
You may have already seen this issue in your life. A car painter may be frustrated why the flakes appear flatter and the paint is a bit lighter. Even if you try to spray a quarter of the panel or an adjacent fender in the same way, you will still see the difference. Sometimes you may think that the paint wasn’t matched well but a car paint repair specialist in Sydney Australia should understand why this happens.

Why this happens
All plastics build up a static charge. Cleaning the bumper of the car with a tack cloth, the paint hitting the surface as you spray or degreasing the bumper with solvent makes the detail statically charged. This means that the metallic particles in the paint won’t flip the same way they flip on aluminium or steel.

What to do about it
In most cases, the difference is negligible and you don’t need to take any measures. However, some colours such as silver will turn out to be very different. You can reduce the problem by strictly following the instructions from your supplier when spraying plastic parts. You can also use specially impregnated wipes and anti-static agents in the spray.

Professional car paint repair Sydney specialists have products that reduce static charge and dust attraction. This minimizes colour differences in metallic and plastic parts. It is, therefore, necessary to visit a professional car painter to avoid such problems.