Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Can you look at your car with pride?


Do you beam when you see your car, or do you think mobilescratch repair Sydney is desperately needed! I know that I had a twenty-year-old car but I kept it in pristine condition and every time I drove it I felt like a queen. It is really important to keep your car looking good. I would wash my car on my own once a week, and that included keeping the wheels clean. I always dusted my car inside and gave the gearbox and steering wheel an extra polish. And every time I got a little scratch or ding, which was not often because I also drive like a clean, I immediately called a mobile repair service. I never allowed my car to get old looking, I serviced it regularly and I kept it looking brand new. This meant when I sold it, and I miss my car, I got a great price.

Be proud of your car

So many people ignore the damage to their cars but mobile scratch repair can get the damages sorted out so quickly that I never understand why people ignore them. A mobile car repair service is a fantastic and convenient business idea. The repair people come to you, wherever you are and obviously within reason. I would call them, show them the car and carry on with my baking. I am a baker by trade and so I never had to stop working, which is work that I love by the way. I would then deliver my cakes in my care that looked brand new and sparkling. It worked well for my image and mobile car repairs are not expensive. Once I even traded a chocolate cake for the job.

Take a look at your car. Do you need mobile scratch repair Sydney? Why are you waiting.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Common auto painting mistakes you need to avoid


For mobile scratch repair Sydney CBD, there is nothing better than accomplishing a sparkling new paint job. Unfortunately, not every car paint job turns out great. Sometimes, car repair specialists will make mistakes that can result in very serious inconsistencies in the final project. External factors such as climate can also lead to unexpected problems. Here are some common auto painting mistakes you should avoid.


Cracks can appear on paint jobs for different reasons. Improper preparation for paint can lead to cracking whilst choosing the wrong reducer can result in the lifting up of the undercoat and making cracks appear. You can fix this problem by waiting for the film to cure completely before sanding the area and reapplying the paint.

Flaking and peeling

Flaking and peeling are common problems in auto painting. It occurs when dried paint stops adhering to the substrate. This can be caused by poor surface preparation. A good mobile scratch repair specialist should know how to remove surface irregularities and recoat the area.

Runs and sags

Car paint can run or sag for various reasons. The improper gun technique is the most common cause of runs and sags. When applying car paint, it is important to use sufficient air pressure. You should also use the right air cap and fluid tip. If you position your gun properly and ensure your passes have overlapped correctly, you will prevent runs.

Orange peel

When dried paint has a rough finish, it causes orange peel. Orange peel can also be caused by using the reducer improperly. It can also be caused by excessive film thickness, poor technique and so on. You can fix an orange peel by sanding out all the imperfections and repainting the area.

Fish eyes

Fish eyes are caused by contaminated paint. It is, therefore, important to purchase a special fish eye remover to mix with your paint to eliminate contamination during mobile scratch repair Sydney CBD.